Tuesday, June 5, 2012

DIY: Super Studded Denim Shorts

One thing I've always disliked about summer is denim shorts. Don't get me wrong, they're the perfect compliment for a band tee and some vans but other then that they're just too boring for me! However, it seems like things are looking much brighter this summer. Not only are their bright hues of denim cutoffs galore but there's also studs EVERYWHERE!

If trendy be-studded shorts are not something your ready to splurge on, you don't have to! Here's how I made my own custom studs 
1. Started with some great denim shorts from Studio 1220 (at an even better price, Only $29.99) Available in a light and dark wash.

2. I used some studs that I ordered off of Etsy (100 pyramid studs for 3 bucks? okay I'll now be 'studdifying' everything I own) I chose brassy gold studs because I generally wear much more gold and warm colors. (Another great reason to DIY)
 3. Surely you can add a little bling by studding the rims of the front pockets or placing a couple down the seam, but I decided to go for the whole SHABANG and stud one whole side of my shorts. (Warning: Not for those with weak thumbs) So I laid out a game plan before beginning the studding process.
4. Then I began pushing them through. It turned out to be even easier then I had assumed. I lined them up going down first and then across. If you check the backs you will be able to ensure the correct alignment. 
 5. After almost driving myself crazy trying to make sure they were all even I kinda gave up on that and decided, whose going to be looking that closely anyways? But nonetheless the final product looked fantastic!
There you have it. Now show us your studs!!

-Studio 1220

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